The Trapeze Effect

Design for Extraordinary Performance

All organizations must find new ways to produce more with less, that is nothing new. What is new is the possibility of uncovering and releasing personal beliefs that may have as much to do with performance limitations as financial, competitive, or technological constraints.

This conversation offers the audience the opportunity to interact with their own thinking and that of their colleagues to reveal performance limiting behaviors they did not notice they had developed. Through a series of carefully designed exercises, the audience demonstrates to themselves that shifts in thinking can lead to immediate breakthroughs in:

  • Creativity and problem solving
  •  Brainstorming
  • Willingness and expression of both responsibility and accountability
  • Stimulating the creative process
  •  Willingness to confront perceived roadblocks, both technical and interpersonal.

This presentation approaches organizational performance as a function of carefully designed working relationships.  Put simply, all employees but especially those that are key need to understand their responsibility for building the working relationships they need, not assume they have been inherited. Honestly, all people are more likely to invest, take risks, and be held to account in situations they had a direct hand in creating. 

This presentation will show those attending how to implement a model for developing relationships that can be reproduced time and again to deliver exceptional results.

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